Susanne Lapp


Dr. Susanne Lapp is an Associate Professor of Reading, Language Arts and Children’s Literature for the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in Florida Atlantic University’s College of Education. She joined FAU in 1996 and was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor in 2002. During the course of her University career, Dr. Lapp served in various roles: Director for Seminar for International Teaching Assistants (SITA) in 2009, Interim Chairperson for the Department of Curriculum, Culture and Educational Inquiry from 2007 to 2008, Director of Undergraduate Programs in Elementary and Secondary Teacher Education from 2005 to 2007, and Coordinator of the Reading, Language Arts and Children’s Literature program from 2003 to 2005.

Dr. Lapp teaches doctoral level courses in curriculum and instruction, as well as undergraduate and graduate courses in reading and language arts. Dr. Lapp co-authored a book, Literacy, Language and Culture, published in 2012 with Dr. Eileen Ariza, a DTL faculty member. She was the Departmental Editor from 2008-2010 for The Essential Teacher, Teaching English Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)’s flagship publication. Dr. Lapp draws on her professional experience both domestically and overseas, including as an invited professor in 2008 to various schools throughout Brazil.


  • Ed.D. University of Cincinnati, Curriculum & Instruction (1995)
  • M.Ed. University of Cincinnati, Literacy (1992)
  • B. S. University of Cincinnati, Elementary Education (1987)

Susanne Lapp

Associate Professor
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Office Phone: 954-236-1034
Office Location: ES BC52 - 215
Campus: Davie